
Если строгость и приводит к исцелению от скверной наклонности, то этот результат часто достигается за счет насаждения другого, еще худшего и более опасного недуга - душевной пришибленности. Джон Локк (1632-1704), английский педагог и философ


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Яндекс цитирования

02.01.2025, четверг. Московское время 14:29


Chapter XI. Responsibility for Violation of Electoral Rights of Citizens

Article 56. Responsibility for Violation of Electoral Rights of Citizens

Persons who by means of bribery, deception, violence or a threat to use force, forgery of electoral documents of fraudulent count of vote or in any other way hinder the free exercising of electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation or the work of election commissions or members of election commissions or persons disseminating fraudulent information about candidates or otherwise acting in order to discredit their honor and dignity as well as persons hindering legal activities of agents of candidates, observers, including foreign (international) observers, or election campaigning shall bear administrative and criminal responsibility.



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