
Самая дешёвая гордость — это гордость национальная. Артур Шопенгауэр (1788-1860), немецкий философ


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Яндекс цитирования

05.02.2025, среда. Московское время 18:55

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter II. Electoral Districts and Electoral Precincts

Article 13. Formation of Electoral Districts

For the purposes of elections of deputies ___ single mandate electoral districts shall be established in the territory of a legal subject of the Russian Federation that should meet the following requirements:

approximately equal number of voters in electoral districts with an acceptable deviation from the average representation quota not exceeding 10% and a remote areas and areas with difficult access not exceeding 15%; when establishing electoral districts in the area populated by indigenous, small peoples1 the deviation from the average representation quota may exceed the above limits, however, not more than by 30%;

an electoral district shall constitute a single territory : and electoral district consisting of non-adjacent territories shall not be allowed.

The administrative and territorial division of a legal subject of the Russian Federation should be taken into account to meet the aforesaid requirements regarding the formation of electoral districts.

Electoral districts shall be formed on the basis of the information submitted by bodies of local government. Boundaries of electoral districts and the number of voters in each electoral district shall be determined by the election commission of the legal subject of the Russian Federation and approved by the representative body of state power of the legal subject of the Russian Federation not later than 110 days prior to election day.

In the event of dissolution of the legislative (representative) body of state power of the legal subject of the Russian Federation or if the layout of electoral districts is not approved within the time terms set by Clause 3 of this Article, elections of deputies of a new convocation shall be conducted at the electoral districts which layout was approved for the elections of deputies of the previous convocation.

The election commission of a legal subject of the Russian Federation shall officially publish the list of single mandate electoral districts not later than 100 days prior to election day.

Article 14. Formation of Electoral Precincts

Electoral precincts shall be formed for the purposes of voting and vote counting at elections of deputies.

Electoral precincts shall be formed by the head of local administration upon agreement with the relevant district election commission not later than 60 days prior to election day with due regard to local and other conditions in order to provide maximum conveniences for voters.

Electoral precincts shall be formed with due regard to the following requirements:

    The number of voters at each electoral precinct should not exceed 3000;

    the boundaries of administrative and territorial division of a legal subject of the Russian Federation shall be taken into account;

    the borders of electoral districts should not be crossed by the borders of electoral districts.

In sanatoriums, preventive clinics, rest houses, hospitals, other stationary medical preventive establishments and other places of temporary stay of voters in remote areas and areas with difficult access electoral precincts may be formed within the time terms set by Clause 2 of this Article, and in exceptional cases not later than 5 days prior to election day. Such precincts shall be attached to the electoral districts in the territory of which they are located.

The military shall vote at regular electoral precincts. In exceptional cases electoral districts may be formed in military units located in detached areas remote from populated centers. In such cases electoral precincts shall be formed by commanders of military units upon a decision of the relevant district election commission. In this event all members of election commission, observers, candidates and their agents shall be allowed in the poling station upon presentation of the relevant documents.

...of electoral districts specifying by the boundaries, addresses and telephone numbers of precinct election commissions shall be published in local press not later than 40 days prior to election day.

Article 15. Voter Lists and Procedure of Their Completion

A voter list shall be compiled by a precinct election commissions on the basis of the information provided in a standard form by the head of local administration. The head of local administration shall from time to time update the list of registered voters as of January 1 and July 1 each year. The head of local administration shall forward information about voters to the precinct election commissions not later than 40 days prior to election day.

The voter list shall be complied in alphabetical or other order (by populated centers, streets, blocks of houses on the basis of voter addresses). The voter list shall specify family name, surname and patronymic name, date of birth (for 18 year old voters the date of birth should be specified additionally) and residential address of voters.

The list of military voters who stay in a military units , members of their families and other voters provided that they reside in the area where the military unit is located shall be compiled on the basis of the information provided by the commander of the military units within the time term set by Clause 1 of this Article.

The military residing outside their military unit shall be included in voter lists at their place of residence on a regular basis.

Lists of voters staying on election day in sanatoriums, preventive treatment clinics, rest houses, hospitals, other stationary medical establishments and other places of temporary stay of voters, shall be compiled on the basis of the information submitted by heads of the above establishments.

Voter lists shall be compiled in two copies according to the form approved by the election commission of the legal subject of the Russian Federation and signed by the Chairman of precinct election commission and its Secretary. One copy of the voter list shall remain in the precinct election commission and the second copy should be submitted to the relevant district election commission not later than 16 days prior to election day.

Article 16. Procedure of Entering Citizens on Voter Lists

All citizens of the Russian Federation enjoying the right to elect deputies shall be entered on voter lists in complaints with Article 4 of this Law.

The ground for entering a citizen on a voter list at a given electoral precinct shall be the fact of his/her residing in the territory of that electoral district established in compliance with the federal law stipulating the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

A voter may be entered in a voter list only at one electoral precinct.

Voters staying on election day in sanatoriums, preventive treatment clinics, rest houses, hospitals, other stationary medical establishments and other places of temporary stay of voters shall be entered on voter lists of the place of their stay.

Students and post graduate students residing in dormitories shall be entered on voter lists at the area the dormitory is located.

Voters who settled on the territory of an electoral district after displaying voter lists for public familiarization and voters who for any reason fail to be entered on voter lists, shall be entered additionally by the precinct election commission on the basis of the documents identifying them and confirming their place of residence in the territory of this electoral precinct.

Article 17. Familiarization of Voters with Voter Lists

Voter lists shall be displayed for familiarization not later than 30 days prior to election day.

Each citizens shall be entitled to appeal to the precinct election commissions concerning his/her absence on the voter list and about any mistake or inaccuracy in the voter list.

The precinct election commission shall be obliged within 24 hours to review the application and either revise the mistake or inaccuracy or provide a written response indicating the reason for denying the application. A decision of the precinct election commission may be appealed in the district election commission or in court that shall be obliged to adjudicate the complaint (application) within 3 days or immediately if filed 3 days prior to election day or on election day. In case of a decision in favor of the applicant, the precinct election commission shall immediately make corrections in the voter lists.

Introduction of changes in voter lists after the beginning of vote counting shall be prohibited.

1 It is desirable to list such territories in the law of a legal subject of the Russian Federation.

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