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Яндекс цитирования

06.01.2025, понедельник. Московское время 21:40

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter V. Nomination and Registration of Candidates

Article 30. Nomination of Candidates for Deputy by an Electoral Association, Electoral Bloc

An electoral association shall nominate a candidate at the congress (conference) of the electoral association, meeting of regional branch of that electoral association, specifying the electoral district where each candidate will run for the office. Electoral bloc shall nominate candidates at the meeting of representatives of the public associations, comprising the electoral bloc, specifying the electoral districts where each candidate will run for the office.

A decision of electoral association, electoral bloc concerning nomination of candidate shall be made by secret ballot.

An electoral association, electoral bloc shall be entitled to nominate not more than one candidate at one electoral district.

An electoral association, electoral bloc shall be entitled to nominate persons who are not members of the public associations, comprising them.

A decision of an electoral association, electoral bloc concerning the nomination of candidates shall be submitted by the authorized representatives of the electoral association, electoral bloc to the election commission of the legal subject of the Russian Federation. Family name, surname and patronymic name, date of birth, place of work, position (occupation) and place of residence of each candidate shall be specified in the decision. Together with the above decision a copy of registration certificate of the public association (a branch of the public association) issued by bodies of justice of the legal subject of the Russian Federation, its registered Charter, the minutes of the congress (conference) of the electoral association, meeting of a regional branch of the public association at which the candidates were nominated, as well as a letter of proxy, executed in the established legal procedure, of the authorized representative of the electoral association shall be submitted.

Authorized representatives of an electoral bloc, together with the decision concerning nomination of candidates shall submit to the election commission of the legal subject of the Russian Federation, the minutes of the congresses (conferences) of the public associations, meetings of regional branches of public associations, containing decisions on entering the electoral bloc and the joint decision of the said public associations on establishing the electoral bloc signed by the authorized representatives of such public associations.

The election commission of the legal subject of the Russian Federation shall consider, within 3 days, the submitted documents and issue to the authorized representative of the electoral association, electoral bloc, a certificate on acceptance of the documents. The refusal of the election commission of the legal subject of the Russian Federation to issue the above certificate may be appealed in the court of the legal subject of the Russian Federation.

The election commission of a legal subject of the Russian Federation shall publish lists of candidates nominated by electoral associations, electoral blocs.

Article 31. Collection of Signatures in Favor of Candidates Nominated by an Electoral Association, Electoral Bloc

An electoral association, electoral bloc who nominated candidates shall collect signatures of voters in the relevant single mandate electoral district in favor of each candidate the amount of which should be at least 1% of the total number of voters in the electoral districts.

An electoral association, electoral bloc shall be entitled to start collecting signatures on the day the election commission of the legal subject of the Russian Federation issued a certificate concerning the acceptance of documents, in compliance with Clause 7 Article 32 of this Law. Signature collection is not allowed until an electoral association, electoral bloc receive the above certificate.

Signatures of voter shall be collected at places of work including in labor collectives, service, study, residence, at campaign events as well as in other places where propaganda and signature collection are allowed by federal laws. In this event any forms of forcing and bribing voters by signature collectors shall be prohibited.

Signature lists (petitions) shall be made in the form set in Annex 1 to this Law. Each signature list shall specify family name, surname and patronymic name, place of birth, place of work, position (occupation), place of residence of the candidate and the name of electoral district where the candidate is running for the office, the name of the electoral association, electoral bloc that nominated the candidate.

Voters shall be entitled to put their signature in favor of candidates of different electoral associations, but only once in favor of the same candidate. In this event a voter shall specify his/her family name, surname and patronymic name, place of birth (for 18 year old citizens the date of birth shall be specified additionally), residential address, series and number of passport or other ID and the date of signature.

A signature list shall be endorsed by the signature of the collector specifying his/her family name, surname and patronymic name, place of residence, series and number of passport or other ID and by the signature of an authorized representative of the electoral association, electoral bloc who nominated the candidate.

In case of earlier elections of deputies the number of signatures of voters to be collected in complaints with Clause 1 of this Article by electoral association, electoral bloc shall be reduced by one half.

Article 32. Nomination of Candidate by Directly Voters

Each citizen of the Russian Federation who has the right to elect deputies of the legislative (representative) body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 shall have the right to nominate himself/herself to run for the office at elections of deputies of the legislative (representative) body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation in a single mandate electoral district.

Voters shall be entitled to nominate candidates at a single mandate electoral district at places of their work, service, study, residence in the territory of the electoral district.

Initiators of signature collection in favor of a candidate in a single mandate electoral district shall nominate in writing the relevant district election commission about their initiative. The notification shall contain family name, surname and patronymic name, date of birth, place of work, position (occupation) and place of resident of the candidate.

Article 33. Collection of Signatures in Favor of Candidates Nominated Directly by Voters

The collection of signatures in favor of a candidate nominated directly by voters shall start on the day of official publication of the list of single mandate electoral districts by the election commission of the subject of the Russian Federation.

At leas 1% of signatures of the total number of votes at the given electoral district shall be collected in favor of a candidate. In case of early elections of deputies the number of signatures shall be reduced by one half

Signatures may be collected only among voters in the electoral district where the candidate is nominated. Signatures shall be collected at places of work (including labor collectives), service, study and residence, at campaigning events and in other places where propaganda and collection of signatures are allowed by federal law. Any form of forcing and bribing voters by signature collectors shall be prohibited. Signature lists shall be made in the form set in annex 2 to this Law. Each signature list shall specify family name, surname and patronymic name, date of birth, place of work, position (occupation) place of residence of the candidate and the name of electoral districts where the candidate is nominated.

A voter when signing the signature list shall specify his/her family name, surname and patronymic name, date of birth (for 18 year old citizens the date of birth shall be specified additionally), residential address, series and number of passport or other ID as well as date of signature. Signature lists shall be signed by the signature collector and contain his/her family name, surname and patronymic name, date of birth, place of residence, series and number of passport or other ID and party, and by the candidate for deputy.

Article 34. Registration of Candidates for Deputy

To register a candidate nominated directly by voters in a single mandate electoral district and a candidate nominated by an electoral association, electoral bloc in a single mandate electoral district, the candidate or an authorized representative of the electoral association, electoral bloc shall submit to the district election commission, at least 55 days prior to election day, the signature lists containing signatures of voters in favor of the candidate. At the same time information about the candidate containing his/her family name, surname and patronymic name, date of birth, place of work, position (occupation), place of residence, and an application of the candidate about his/her consent to run for the office in the electoral district and a decision of the electoral association, electoral bloc concerning nomination of the candidate in the electoral district shall be submitted to the district election commission.

Signature lists shall be submitted to election commissions bound and numbered. While accepting signature lists election commissions shall certify each signature list by the seal of the election commission and then issue a conformation in writing about receipt of the signature lists to the authorized representative or the candidate with date and time of their acceptance being specify.

The district election commission shall, within 5 days from the day of receipt of documents, verify whether the nomination procedure of the candidate complies with the provisions of this Law and make a decision concerning registration of the candidate or about reasonable refusal to register him/her.

When election commissions verify the appropriate execution of signature lists and other documents, authorized representatives of relevant electoral associations, electoral blocs and candidates shall be entitled to attend the procedure.

In case of doubts about accuracy of the information contained in signature lists and authenticity of signatures of voters, the district election commission shall arrange an adequate review of the signature lists.

One person may be registered only in one single mandate electoral district.

A decision of the district election commission concerning registration of a candidate or refusal to register may be appealed in the election commission of the subject of the Russian Federation or in a court.

Each registered candidate shall be given a registration certificate with the date and time of its issue being specified. The district election commission shall within 48 hours after the registration submit the lists of registered candidates and information about them to mass media and, not later than 15 days prior to election day display the information about registered candidates with the data specified in Clause 3 Article 35 of this Law at stands in the premises of the election commission.

If only one or no candidate is registered within the time terms specified in this Article at a single mandate electoral district, the elections in such district shall be postponed upon decision of the district election commission for 60 days for additional nomination of candidates and other further electoral activities. If less than 2 candidates remain in a single mandate electoral district on election day, the election in such electoral districts shall be postponed upon decision of the relevant district election commission for 100 days for additional nomination of candidates and further electoral activities.

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