
Если ты раб, то не можешь быть другом. Если тиран - не можешь иметь друзей. Фридрих Ницше (1844-1900), немецкий мыслитель


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Яндекс цитирования

23.02.2025, воскресенье. Московское время 04:03

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter IV - Registration of Voters. Voter Lists

Article 16 - Registration of Voters

Article 17 - Compilation of Voter Lists

Article 18 - Inclusion of Citizens on Voter Lists

Article 19 - Inspection of Voter Lists by Voters. Correction of Voter Lists

Article 16 - Registration of Voters

Pursuant to the Federal Law «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum» all citizens of the Russian Federation who have the right to elect deputies of the legislative (representative) body of state power of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] shall be subject to registration.

The basis for registration of voters shall be the fact of permanent or predominant residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] as established by the population registering bodies in compliance with the federal law regulating the exercise of the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to the freedom of movement, choice of the place of stay or residence within the Russian Federation. Registration of voters shall be carried out by the head of a municipal unit or another duly authorized body or official of local self-government, the commander of a military unit as of January 1 and July 1 of each year. For this purpose use may be made of the state automated information system.

[The body of executive power] of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] shall render required assistance to the bodies of local self-government and election commissions in the registration of voters and ascertaining of voter data.

Voters shall be entitled to have a free access to documented information (personal data) regarding themselves including that on magnetic media, to correct such information in order to ensure its completeness and veracity and to know who and for what purposes uses or used this information.

Article 17 - Compilation of Voter Lists

Voter lists shall be compiled by district election commissions on the basis of information received with the aid of the state voter registration system in accordance with a standard form from the duly authorized bodies or officials of local self-government. Information regarding voters - servicemen in military units, members of their families and other voters if they reside within the location of a military unit shall be formed and corrected by the commander of a military unit. The said information shall be forwarded to district election commissions immediately upon their formation.

Lists of voters who are staying on voting day in sanatoriums, preventive treatment clinics, holiday hotels, hospitals, other stationary medical establishments and other places of temporary stay of voters in the territory of the given single-mandate electoral district shall be compiled on the basis of information submitted by heads of these establishments.

Voter lists shall be compiled separately for each electoral precinct.

For compilation of voter lists use shall be made of the state automated information system. After summarizing and correcting the necessary information the district election commission shall compile a voter list according to the form approved by the election commission of the [Subject of the Russian Federation].

In the voter list voter data shall be arranged in an alphabetical order or in some other order (by populated centers, streets, voter addresses). The voter list shall indicate the first, middle and last name, year of birth (for 18 years old voters - the month and day of birth) and the address of the place of permanent or predominant residence of voters.

A voter list shall be compiled in duplicate with both copies to be signed by the chairman and the secretary of a district election commission. One copy of the voter list shall remain in the district election commission and the other copy shall be handed over to the appropriate precinct election commission not later than 25 days prior to voting day. Upon receipt of the list by the precinct election commission it shall be signed by the chairman and the secretary of the precinct election commission. The voter list shall be certified by the seals of the district and the precinct election commission, respectively.

The precinct election commission shall correct the voter list in accordance with an established procedure of interaction between election commissions and bodies of local self-government, institutions, organizations in charge of voter registration.

Article 18 - Inclusion of Citizens on Voter Lists

All citizens of the Russian Federation who are entitled to elect deputies of the legislative (representative) body of state power of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] as of voting day shall be put on voter lists. A voter may be entered in a voter list only in one electoral precinct.

The basis for including citizens in a voter list in a particular electoral precinct shall be the fact of their permanent or predominant residence in the territory of the given electoral precinct as established in accordance with the federal law laying down the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to the freedom of movement, choice of the place of stay or residence within the Russian Federation.

Voters staying on election day in sanatoriums, preventive treatment clinics, holiday hotels, hospitals, other stationary medical establishments and other places of temporary stay of voters in the territory of a single-mandate electoral district within which they reside permanently or predominantly shall be included on voter lists at the place of their stay.

Students and post-graduates residing in dormitories shall be included on voter lists where their dormitories are located.

Voters who settled down in the territory of an electoral district after voter lists had been compiled and made available for public inspection and voters who for some reason were not included on voter lists shall be put on voter lists additionally by precinct election commissions on the basis of documents confirming their identity and place of residence in the territory of the given electoral precinct.

Article 19 - Inspection of Voter Lists by Voters. Correction of Voter Lists

Voter lists shall be made available by precinct election commissions for public inspection and additional correction not later than 20 days prior to voting day.

Each citizen who is entitled to elect deputies of the legislative (representative) body of state power of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] shall be entitled to apply to a precinct election commission and state that he/she has not been included on the voter list or to point out any mistake or inaccuracy in the voter list. Within 24 hours or, on voting day, within 2 hours of the time of application but not later than by the end of voting, the precinct election commission shall consider the application and submitted documents and either correct the mistake or inaccuracy or provide a written response indicating the reason for rejecting the application.

A citizen may be removed from the voter list after it has been signed by the chairman and the secretary of a district election commission only on the basis of the information received from the bodies in charge of voter registration. In this case, the date of removal of a citizen from the list and the reason therefor shall be noted in the voter list. This note shall be signed by the chairman of the precinct election commission.

A decision of the precinct election commission may be appealed in the district election commission or in a court, which shall consider the appeal within 3 days or immediately, if the appeal was filed on voting day. If the appeal is satisfied or if other inaccuracies are detected in the voter list during consideration of the appeal, the precinct election commission shall immediately make the necessary corrections in the voter list.

No changes shall be made in voter lists after the end of voting and beginning of vote counting.

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»


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