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Яндекс цитирования

22.01.2025, среда. Московское время 18:59

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter III - Electoral Districts and Electoral Precincts

Article 14 - Formation of Electoral Districts

Article 15 - Formation of Electoral Precincts

Article 14 - Formation of Electoral Districts

In order to conduct elections of deputies in the territory of the [Subject of the Russian Federation], single-mandate electoral districts shall be formed on the basis of the data regarding the number of voters registered in the given territory in compliance with Article 16 of this Law. The said data shall be presented by the executive body of state power of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] to the election commission of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] not later than 5 days after the announcement of the election day. Not later than 70 days prior to voting day the election commission of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] shall determine the plan of formation of electoral districts indicating their boundaries, the list of populated areas (streets, houses) within each electoral district, the number and administrative center of each electoral district, the number of voters in each electoral district. The representative body of state power of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] shall approve the plan for the formation of electoral districts not later than 60 days prior to voting day.

In the event of dissolution of the legislative (representative) body of state power of the [Subject of the Russian Federation], or if the legislative (representative) body of state power of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] fails to pass a law approving the formation of electoral districts within the period established in the previous part of this article, elections of deputies of the new convocation shall be conducted in the electoral districts used in the elections of deputies of the previous convocation. If the [duly authorized body or official] of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] fails to call elections within a period established by Part 1 Article 4 of this Law, elections of deputies of the new convocation shall be conducted in the electoral districts used in elections of deputies of the previous convocation, unless the legislative (representative) body of state power approves the plan of electoral districts proposed by the election commission of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] within the period specified in the preceding part of this article.

Electoral districts formed for election of deputies shall meet the following requirements:

    · there shall be approximate equality of the number of voters in the electoral districts, with permissible deviation from the average representation quota of voters being within 10%; for remote and hard-to-reach areas the permissible deviation shall not exceed 15%.The list of remote and hard-to-reach areas shall be established by the law of the [Subject of the Russian Federation].

    · When electoral districts are formed in the areas where small ethnic groups are concentrated, the deviation from the average representation quota may exceed the specified limits, but by not more than 30%;

    · an electoral district shall constitute a single territory; electoral districts consisting of non-adjacent territories shall not be allowed.

Apart from meeting the requirements specified in the preceding part of this article formation of electoral districts shall be carried out with due regard for the administrative-territorial division of the [Subject of the Russian Federation], territory of municipal units.

The legislative (representative) body of state power of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] and, in the event of early termination of its powers, the election commission of the [Subject of the Russian Federation] shall publish the plan of electoral districts including its graphical representation not later than 5 days after its approval.

Article 15 - Formation of Electoral Precincts

Electoral precincts shall be formed for voting and vote counting. Electoral precincts shall be formed by the head of the local municipal unit or by another duly authorized body or official of local self-government with the consent of the appropriate district election commission on the basis of the data regarding the number of voters registered in the corresponding territory in compliance with Article 16 of this Law not later than 30 days prior to voting day.

Electoral precincts shall be formed with due regard to the following requirements:

    · there must be not more than 3,000 registered voters per electoral precinct;

    · it is necessary to observe the boundaries of the administrative-territorial division of the [Subject of the Russian Federation];

    · the boundaries of electoral precincts must not cross over the boundaries of electoral districts.

Electoral precincts shall be formed with due consideration for local and other conditions to ensure maximum convenience for voters.

In sanatoriums, preventive treatment clinics, holiday hotels, hospitals, other stationary medical establishments and other places of temporary stay of voters, in remote and hard-to-reach areas, on vessels which are at sea on voting day electoral precincts may be formed as and when established by Part 1 of this article; in exceptional cases such precincts may be formed not later than 5 days prior to voting day by the appropriate district election commission. Such electoral precincts shall be included in electoral districts where they are located or, in the case of a vessel, at the place of its registration.

Servicemen shall vote in regular electoral precincts. In exceptional cases, electoral precincts may be formed in military units located in remote areas far from populated centers. In such cases, electoral precincts shall be formed by the commanders of military units on the basis of a decision of the appropriate district election commission. Members of election commissions, registered candidates and their agents, observers, foreign (international) observers and media representatives shall be admitted to the precinct polling station and allowed to exercise their rights under this Law upon presentation of appropriate credentials.

Lists of electoral precincts indicating their boundaries and numbers, location of precinct election commissions and polling stations and telephone numbers of precinct election commissions shall be published by the head of a municipal unit or by another duly authorized body or official of local self-government not later than 25 days prior to voting day.

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