
Оковы измученного человечества сделаны из канцелярской бумаги. Франц Кафка (1883-1924), немецкий писатель


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Яндекс цитирования

04.03.2025, вторник. Московское время 01:36

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter 4. Nomination of Candidates

Article 21. Nomination of Candidates to a Representative Body of the State Power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Oblast

1. For nomination of Candidates in a constituency for election to a Representative Body of the State Power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug it is necessary to gather in his support subscriptions of the voters of this constituency at the rate of 3-5% of the total number of the electorate of the constituency. The quantity of the voters' subscriptions necessary for support of the initiative for nomination of a candidate shall be determined by the authorities of the state power of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug. The subscription lists shall be made in accordance with the form approved by the Central Election Committee (CEC). Every subscription list shall contain the family name, first name, patronymic name, date of birth, occupation and permanent place of residence of the Candidate.

2. An Elector while subscribing the subscription list shall write down his family name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, address, series and number of his passport or the substituting it identity card. The subscription list shall be also signed by the person who has been gathering the subscriptions with indications of his family name, first name, patronymic, address, series and number of his passport or the substituting it identity card, and also the list shall be signed by the person for whose candidacy nomination the subscriptions has been gathered.

3. The initiators for nomination of the candidate or the candidate himself shall introduce the subscription lists or the representation of the regional electoral association, registered at the electoral commission of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug, and the candidate's Application for his candidacy nomination at the respective constituency for registration at the okrugs electoral commission not later than 27 days prior to the election day. The okrug's electoral commission shall verify the conformity of the candidate's nominating with the requirements stipulated by the present Principal Regulations, and also with the regulations on the election to the representative body of the state power, and within five days from the day of introduction of the subscription lists or representation of the electoral association shall register the candidate, publish the data, indicated in paragraph 2 of the present Article, in the press and issue the registration certificate to him with indication of the date and the time of its issue, or shall deny the registration. The data about the registered candidates shall be informed to mass media within 24 hours since the date of their registration.

4. If during the period between completion of the candidates' registration and the election day at the respective constituency there remains less than two candidates, the election at this constituency by decision of the electoral commission of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug for 12 weeks in order to carry out the additional nomination of candidates and to fulfill subsequent electoral actions in accordance with the terms stipulated by the present Principal Regulations.

Article 22. Rights end Obligations of the Candidates

1. The employer shall be obliged to grant the Candidate if the letter wishes a leave without pay since the moment of his registration up to the moment of the election results' publication. During this period his average earnings or other regular income calculated of the three months prior to the registration date, but in the amount not exceeding the sevenfold legally established rate of the minimum monthly wages, shall be paid to the Candidate every month by the electoral commission, which has registered him, from the budget sums allotted to organization of the election.

2. The Candidate shall have right to compensation for transport expenses (except for taxi) within the limits of the territory of the respective constituency where he is standing for election, from the funds of the respective electoral commission.

3. In case the Candidate is standing for election at the constituency within the territory of the city, where ere several constituencies, he shall have the right to compensation for transport expenses (except for taxi) on the territory of the city.

4. The Candidate, residing outside the territory of the constituency where he is standing for election, shall have right to make in all three trips to the constituency and back by any type of transport (except taxi), being paid from the funds of the respective electoral commission.

5. The right to compensation for transport expenses shall be in force from the registration date through the day of publishing the results of the election inclusively. The procedure of payment shall be determined by the electoral commission of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug.

6. The Candidate may stand for election only in one constituency. The Candidate should not be a member of any electoral commission.

7. The Candidate should not be instituted criminal proceedings against him or be subject to administrative penalties, being inflicted in due course of law, without the consent of the public prosecutor of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug preventive punishment and other penal procedure measures may be applied to the Candidate only by the ruling of the krais, oblast's, okrug's, city (federal city) court respectively. Therewith, the information about it should be presented to the electoral commission of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug in the course of 24 hours.

8. The Candidate should not be called up to military service until the day of publication of the results of the election, inclusively.

9. The Candidate may have up to 10 accredited representatives, registered by the same electoral commission that has registered this Candidate. The accredited representatives of the Candidate should meet the requirements of Article 2 of the present Principal Regulations. The accredited representatives shall receive the certificates from the respective electoral commission and shall carry out the election campaign and other activities to promote the Candidates' election. The Candidates and the regional electoral associations shall have the right to recall their empowered persons, notifying the respective electoral commission which shall cancel the certificates issued to such empowered persons.

10. The Candidate shall have the right to withdraw his candidacy any time prior to the Election Day.

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