
Прогресс – это способ человеческого бытия. Виктор Гюго (1802-1885), французский писатель


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Яндекс цитирования

04.03.2025, вторник. Московское время 01:35

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter 6. Financing the Elections

Article 28.Financial support for organization and carrying out of the election

1.The funds allocated from the republican budget of The Russian Federation for organization and carrying out of the election, shall be put at the disposal of the Central Electoral Commission and shall be distributed by the latter among the electoral commissions for election to the representative bodies of the state power of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug.

2. The districts' electoral commissions shall present to the electoral commissions of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug their reports about use of the funds, allocated to them, not later than 45 days from the day of official publication of the election's results.

3. The electoral commission of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug shall present to the Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation the report about use of the funds, allocated to them by the Central Electoral Commission, not later than 3 months from the date of official publication of the election results. The specified report shall be published by the electoral commission of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug in the publications, in which there should be published the normative acts, adopted by the Representative bodies of the state power of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug, and the information about this report should be given to other mass media not later than one month from the date of its presentation, to the Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation.

Article 29. Election Funds and the Order of their Creation

1. The regional electoral associations and the Candidates shall have the right to create their own election funds for financing the pre-election propaganda. Such funds may consist of the following financial recourses:

a) resources allotted to the electoral associations or to the Candidate for pre-election propaganda be the electoral commissions;
b) the private resources of the regional electoral associations or of the Candidate;
c) resources allotted to the Candidate by the regional electoral association, party, political movement, other social association that have nominated this Candidate;
d) voluntary donations of any physical or juridical persons.

2. The sum of a voluntary donation of an individual physical person should not exceed tenfold of the legal amount of the minimum monthly wages, and such donation to the electoral fund of the regional electoral association - fifteen fold. The sum of a donation of any juridical person to the election fund of any Candidate should not exceed the legal amount of the minimum monthly wages more than 100 times, and whereas to the election fund of the regional electoral association - more than 10000 times.

3. The donations from foreign countries, organizations and citizens, persons without citizenship, Russian juridical persons with foreign participation, Russian juridical persons being registered on the territory of another subject of the Russian Federation, and also donations from international organizations and international social associations shall not be allowed.

4. The right to use the resources of the election funds should exercise nobody but the regional electoral associations or the Candidates who has created these funds.

5. The regional electoral associations and the Candidates, who have created the election funds in accordance with paragraph 1 of the present Article, shall be obliged to present to the election commission of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okreg, their reports about use of the resources of these funds in due time as stipulated in paragraph 3 of Article 31 of the present Principal Regulations. These reports should be given to mass media by the election commission of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug at the same time when this election commission shall present its report about use of the resources in accordance with paragraph 3 Article 29 of the present Principal Regulations.

Article 30. The Order of Expenditure of the Resources of the Election Funds

1. All the money resources entering the election fund of the regional electoral association or of the Candidate shall be transferred to the special bank account that shall be opened by the election commission of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug after registration of the respective Candidate.

2. The order of control of expenditure of the money resources from the election fund shall be established by the election commission of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug.

3. Not later than 60 days after determination of the results of the election in the district, the regional election association or the Candidate shall be obliged to present to the electoral commission of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug its financial report in which there should be indicated the sources of money entries to the election fund and all the expenditures done for the purpose of the pre-election propaganda. The financial accounting form shall be established by the Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation as agreed with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

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