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Яндекс цитирования

04.03.2025, вторник. Московское время 01:51

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter 7. Voting and election results defining.

Article 31. Polling station

1. Polling stations shall be placed at the disposal of a divisional electoral commission by an okrug (in an autonomous okrug without further division into districts), raion, city, city district administration.

2. Polling stations should have a hall with installed polling booths or rooms fit for ballot. An entrance, exit of polling booths as well as the way from those to ballot boxes should be in the field of vision of a divisional electoral commission members and observers.

3. A stand with information of all regional associations and all their candidates as well as all candidates standing for election in corresponding electoral districts with obligatory for any election candidate indication for data, required by paragraph 1 article 22 of the present Fundamental regulations.

Article 32. Ballot papers.

1. Every voter shall get a ballot paper for election to a representative state organ of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug. The form of a ballot paper shall be defined by an electoral commission of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug.

2. A ballot paper shall contain in alphabetical order surnames, names and patronymics of all election candidates registered for the electoral district as well as the data indicated in paragraph 1 article 22 of the present Regulations. To the right of the data on every candidate there shall be a box. In the bottom of a ballot there shall be a line: «Against all election candidates» and t the right of it there shall be a box.

3. Every ballot paper should contain an instruction for a voter on filing in a ballot paper.

4. Ballot papers shall be printed in Russian and in an autonomous oblast and autonomous okrugs may be printed in other languages under decision of an electoral commission of an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug. If ballot papers are produced in two or more languages for an electoral district, every ballot paper should contain the text in all languages.

5. Ballot papers shall be printed by order of an electoral commission of an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous okrug and shall be sent to a district electoral commission at least 20 days before elections. Divisional electoral commissions shall receive ballot papers from district electoral commissions at least three days before elections. Number of ballot papers sent by a district electoral commission to every electoral district may not exceed number of registered voters in the electoral district more that 2%. On the back of received ballot papers there should be a stamp. Divisional electoral commission should have signatures of 2 its members.

6. In case of regional electoral association candidates withdraw before one day of elections out after

Article 33. Voting procedure.

1. Voting shall take place on the day of elections from 8 to 22 hours, local time. If all registered voters have voted in a polling station, divisional electoral commission may terminate voting before 22 hours. If necessary with taking into account local conditions district electoral commissions under agreement with an autonomous okrug may change time of voting with preserving the same continuance.

2. A voter who is not present at the place of residence during elections and leaves it 15 days before elections may vote ahead of time filling in a ballot paper at an office of a district (15-4 days before elections) or a divisional (3-1 days before elections) electoral commission with condition of preserving a secret vote. If a voter shall put a file in ballot paper in an envelope, shall seal it and give to a duty member of a district or divisional electoral commission accordingly. There should be put a stamp of a district or divisional electoral commission accordingly or signatures of two members of a corresponding electoral electoral commission and a signature of a voted voter at a place of sealing of an envelope. A district electoral commission shall submit lists of voted voters and envelopes with their ballot-papers to a corresponding electoral commission at the same time with ballot papers. A divisional electoral commission shall mark voted voters in its list of voters.

3. At 8 a.m. of the election day a chairman of every divisional electoral commission shall announce about beginning of voting, shall present to the electoral commission members and voters present there and observers empty ballot boxes, which should be sealed right after this. Then a chairman of a divisional electoral commission shall open envelopes with filled in ballot papers left by temporary absent voters and shall put the above ballot papers in ballot boxes, after this he shall invite voters to get ballot papers. There shall be announcement on number of envelopes and this number shall be put down in minutes of a divisional electoral commission.

4. Giving out a ballot paper an electoral commission member shall put down voter's certificate of identity or passport series and number in the list of voters and a voter shall put his signature.

5. Filling in a ballot paper should be made in a special booth or room where presence of other persons but a voter shall not be allowed. A voter unable to fill in a ballot paper himself shall have the right to invite to a polling booth or room any person but not an electoral commission member or an observer.

6. In a ballot paper for election to a representative state organ of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous okrug shall put a cross or any other sign in a box opposite a surname of an election candidate he is in favor or in a box opposite the line: «Against all election candidates».

7. Leaving a polling booth or room a voter shall put a filled in ballot paper in a ballot box. Ballot boxes should be in the field of vision of electoral commission members and observers.

8. A chairman of a divisional electoral commission shall contain order in a polling station. This order shall be standing for all people present. In case a chairman is absent, he shall be substituted by a deputy chairman of an electoral commission, and in case the latter is absent he is substituted by a secretary or other authorized electoral commission member.

9. In case a voter with the right to participate in elections cannot come to a polling station because of a state of health or any other valid cause a divisional electoral commission under written oral request of the voter shall organize voting at his place in presence of observers if there are any in the polling station and with the use of a special portable ballot box. In a polling station there should be not more than two such ballot boxes. The above request should be proved the voter in written form at the arrival of a divisional electoral commission at his place. In this case divisional electoral commission members leaving the polling station under request shall get in exchange of their signatures number of ballot papers equal to number of written or oral requests. Surnames of voters shall put a signature after getting a ballot paper and an electoral commission member - after giving it out.

Article 34. Counting of the votes at a polling station.

1. After expiry of time for voting a chairman of a divisional electoral commission in presence of all members of the commission shall cancel not used ballot papers, shall announce termination of voting. After this only persons already present in a polling station may get ballot papers and vote.

2. Before counting of the votes a chairman of a divisional electoral commission in presence of all members of the commission and cancel not used ballot papers, shall announce their number put down in the minutes and after this shall check if stamps and seals on ballot boxes are left intact and shall open them. All ballot papers taken out of ballot boxes shall be sorted out by electoral districts.

3.First of all invalid ballot papers for every electoral district shall be taken away. Those shall be ballot papers not produces officially, without a stamp of a district or divisional electoral commission or without signatures of two members of a divisional electoral commission as well as ballot papers where the will of a voter cannot be defined and, in particular, where a cross or any other sign (signs) are put down in more then one box or not put down at all.

4. A divisional electoral commission shall make up minutes on results of voting at the present polling station. In the minutes should be indicated:

a. total number of voters registered in the polling station;

b. number of cancelled not used ballot papers;

c. number of ballot papers given in the day of elections and left by voters voted before;

d. number of ballot papers found in ballot boxes;

e. number of invalid ballot papers;

f. number of ballot papers acknowledged as valid;

g. surnames and initials of election candidates put down in a ballot paper;

h. number of valid votes in favor of every election candidate;

i. number of the votes against every election candidate;

j. number of the votes against all election candidates;

k. request applications and complaints received by a commission and decisions made on those.

5. The minute shall be made in duplicate and shall be signed by all members of an electoral commission. An electoral commission member not agreed with the separate provisions shall have the right to attach his opinion.

6. One copy of the minutes of a divisional electoral commission shall be submitted to a corresponding district electoral commission.

7. Election minutes shall be submitted to a corresponding district electoral commission not later than 20 days after official announcement of election results.

Article 35. Electoral District

1. A district electoral commission after getting minutes of all divisional electoral commissions or the electoral district shall count votes at the electoral district in elections to a representative state organs or a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug by summing up the data of the above minutes.

2. A district electoral commission shall make up minutes where indicates:

a. total number of voters registered in an electoral district;

b. number of handed ballot papers;

c. number of ballot papers found in ballot boxes;

d. number of ballot papers acknowledged as valid;

e. number of invalid ballot papers;

f. surnames and initials or election candidates put down in ballot papers and number of the valid votes in favor of every candidate; if surnames and initials of two or more election candidates coincide additional identifying data election candidate;

g. number of valid votes in favor of every election candidate;

h. number of votes against all election candidate;

i. number of votes against all election candidate;

j. one of the following decisions:
acknowledging the election candidate with the largest number of valid votes as being elected. In case of equal number of votes the candidate with the largest numbers of signatures at nomination shall be considered elected;
acknowledging the elections at the electoral district invalid if violation of the present Fundamental regulations as well as regulations on elections to representative state organs of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug during elections are considerable and do not allow to define results of elections for certain;
acknowledging the elections at an electoral district not taking place if number of votes in the column «Against all election candidates» exceeds number of votes in favor of the election candidate with the largest number of votes or if less than 35 per cent of registered voters participated in the elections;

k. request applications and complaints received by the commission and decisions made.

3. The minutes shall be made in duplicate and signed by a chairman and district electoral commission members. One copy of the minutes shall be immediately submitted to an electoral commission of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug, the other shall be kept by a secretary of a district electoral commission until termination of its powers.

Article 36. Defining general results of elections.

1. On the grounds of the minutes of district electoral commission of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug shall define and publish general results of the election during 5 days after receiving the above minutes. During a month from the election day an electoral commission of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug shall publish the results of voting at all electoral districts and polling stations in mass media.

2. An electoral commission of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug shall acknowledge the elections invalid in a separate one mandate electoral district. It discovers that violation of the present Fundamental regulations or regulations on elections to representative state organs of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug do not allow to define election results for certain.

3. In electoral district where elections have not taken place because of the fact that majority of voter voted against all candidates or less than 25% of registered voters participate in the elections or acknowledged invalid due to violation of the present Fundamental regulations or regulations on elections to representative state organs of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug, an electoral commission of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug shall announce new elections and shall fix calendar time of election actions. An electoral commission of a krai, an onlast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug may instruct in this case on setting up district and divisional electoral commissions with new members.

Article 37. Registration of elected representatives.

1. A corresponding electoral commission after signing the Minutes on election results shall notify on the above the candidate elected to a representative state organ of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug.

2.A district electoral commission on the grounds of the Minutes on election results not later than five days after signing the Minutes shall announce results of elections, shall register the elected Deputy (representative) to a representative state organ of a krai, an oblast, a federal city, an autonomous oblast, an autonomous okrug and shall hand the certificate of election.

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